Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ

About Diabetes
Age Ten and Under:
Encourage children not to overeat and to perform moderate exercises. From early age on, create a good habit forming life style, especially with children who are at risk of genetically inheriting the disease.

Age Between Ten and Twenty:
The lack of insulin will increase the blood sugar level, but the bottom line is that it depends on: 1) the amount of food intake and 2) the quality and the type of food you eat. Popular among the age group are fast foods. They contain high levels of fat and sugar that tax the pancreas. Young people are often stressed from studies, tend to stay late at night, and lead an irregular life style. These factors add to the causes of diabetes. Often diabetic symptoms are unnoticed due to its benign and harmless nature. It maybe already at a dangerous level once you notice it.

Age Between Thirty and Forty:
Diabetes is on the rise. 23 million Americans now have the disease and may double the rate in the near future. Early detection is important, but symptoms are often overlooked. However, one sign that is easy to recognize is obesity. When you start to gain weight, have a blood and urine test done. Reassess diet and exercise. Try to reduce weight. On the other hand, bear in mind, if you loose weight rapidly for no reasons, it maybe the symptom of diabetes. Major symptoms of diabetes are (multiple symptom may occur at the same time: the diabetic syndrome): frequent urination, great thirst, extreme hunger, unexplainable weight loss, unusual fatigue, peripheral neuropathy such as tingling and numbness of hand and feet.

Age Fifty and Older:
The rate of diabetic diagnosis increases at this age level. It is because diabetes is due to a cumulation of life style habits. Eat dinner at early night hours and less. Eat more fibrous foods. Move the body and do some light exercises during the day time.

What To Do When Diagnosed:
Type I Diabetes: seek professional medical help. Consult with a dietician. Concurrent acupuncture and insulin treatments along with a proper diet can lead to a normal, healthy, and happy life.

Type II Diabetes: focus on changing diet and some habits. Increase exercises. Loose weight. Get a blood test regularly. Receive acupuncture treatments.

Copyright: Japanese Acupuncture 2016